iWe're totally happy to work on a 'whatever you need' basis. Every business is different, and there's no one-size-fits-all priniciple in marketing. 


However, we have put totgther some standard packages, which deliver our most popular requests! We can add bits to these, take bits away, and of course, the frequency will depend on how regularly you want our services! Everything is flexible, give us a call to discuss. 


Shout-out social package

Social media does much of the marketing heavy lifting for small businesses. Are your online platforms working as hard as they can for you?


Making the most of them is vital. Socials are free, effective and easy to manage. You don’t need lots of complex tech. Your marketing in your pocket, what could be easier, right?


In theory yes, but many people make the mistake of thinking that just because they can snap a pic on their phone, hammer out a quick post and press go, that’s all that is needed.


Socials demand as much planning as any other marketing platform, in fact, considering your comments will go worldwide in the click of a button, you could argue that they actually need a little more!


Our social planning package can help take all that drama out of your hands.


Polly Rivers PR will work out a posting plan for your business, produce the copy and deliver it to you - all you have to do is follow the timeframes and post the content. We’re always on the other end of the phone to tweak things as situations change, and can always help to add in additional bits and pieces as and when - we never want you to wait to shout about an exciting development!


You can be sure that our planned posts will hit the right note, offer great engagement and not leave anything to chance… after all, anything posted online is there to stay, this ain’t an area you can afford to slip up on!


Beautiful blog package

Many businesses rely on search engines to as their shop window. Even if you HAVE a shop window, without a good online presence, you are limiting your reach.


Google (and other search engines) love content. They use it to crawl through search results and find the very best matches for their users. If someone searches for ‘hairdresser, East Grinstead’, Google will crawl through billions of sites, looking for certain terms that match its own criteria, before presenting those that tick as many of its boxes as possible.


It’s clever though. Hiding search terms in your website content isn’t enough anymore. It’s got wise to that! It now looks for information that shows that the site is providing useful info to users - blogs, updated news - these are the things that Google LOVES.


So, how to stand out? Get chatty! An updated blog, kept fresh and relevant to your market will keep Google coming back to you. Keep it engaged, and make your site more relevant - all good for building new customers! 


Our beautiful blog package helps you keep on top of your blog, with us producing regular posts for your site. We’ll create search-engine optimised (SEO) posts, all you have to do is pop them up and get ready for the customers!


Extrem-ailing package

Email newsletters can be a royal pain, can’t they? 


Not only receiving them (how often do you press ‘unsubscribe’?) but also taking the time to write, set up and send them.


Annoyingly though, when done well, they are an amazing engagement tool for talking directly to your existing customers, and sharing news about what’s going on with your business. 


If you have an existing mailing list that you’re unsure what to do with, we can offer a newsletter writing service that may just help uitjse this hugely valuable tool.


We can produce you a bespoke newsletter, as a one-off or on a regular basis, designed to engage, inform and entertain your customers, and get them wanting to come back for more!

Complete content package

If you’re looking for the full works, our complete content package could be for you.


Combining plans for your social media, blog, and newsletter, this package oversees all of your digital marketing requirements.


We understand how hectic running a business is, and frankly, this sort of thing isn’t always top of the priority list (we get it, honestly) so the way this package works is very hands off.


We like to sit down with you over a coffee and work out a plan. We then scuttle off and create all the content you need, and deliver it back to you, ready to post as you see fit. We’re always on the other end of the phone if you need us, and can jiggle bits around if anything changes.


Premium Complete Content Package


For a compete hands off option, we can manage the posting too.


This option lets you hand the entire digital marketing malarkey over to us, lock, stock and barrel. 


We may need a little more input from you initially, but once we’re clued up, we can look after things on your behalf, keep on top of social media comments, blog replies and newsletter sends, and keep everything running like clockwork. 

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